Uganda Wildlife Research & Training Institute


Uganda is a country with exceptional wildlife diversity, encompassing a zone of overlap between the savannahs of East Africa and the West African rain forests. The country’s wide range of ecosystems and habitants support a very high and rich diversity of both animal and plant species. The immense biological diversity is important both nationally and internationally, and offers good opportunities for cost-effective multiple species conservation. To this effect government designated wildlife conservation and other protected areas to protect this endowment and harness environmental and tourism development benefits.

Such country’s endowment demands training of field staff to ensure management of wildlife populations and conservation areas in accordance with sound conservation principles and standards. Hence this program is intended to provide the technicians that will help in managing wildlife resource sustainably.


  • To build technical capacity in wildlife and natural resource management for sustainable utilization and economic development


By the end of this programme, trainees will be able:

  • Apply competences in basic numerical analytical skills for wildlife management at operational level
  • Apply competencies and positive attitudes in the wildlife management and conservation to compete on the job market and sustainably use wildlife.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental biology and ecology for wildlife conservation in-situ and ex-situ.
  • Demonstrate ability to address health, safety issues in environmental & biodiversity conservation.
  • Demonstrate capacity to participate in field patrols, and fire management programmes in conservation areas.
  • Apply knowledge, skills to ethically operate in wildlife management and conservation of natural resources
  • Demonstrate ability to resolve human wildlife conflicts in communities.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental biology and ecology for wildlife conservation in-situ and ex-situ.
  • Demonstrate ability, health, safety, environmental & biodiversity conservation consciousness at operational level.
  • Demonstrate capacity to participate in field patrols, and fire management programmes in conservation areas.
  • Apply knowledge, skills to ethically operate in wildlife management and conservation of natural resources
  • Demonstrate ability to resolve human wildlife conflicts in communities.


  • To provide learners with basic concepts in wildlife behavior, identification, and ecology
  • To impart knowledge on wildlife health, safety, environmental and biodiversity conservation.
  • To equip students with skills to plan and execute law enforcement programs
  • To provide learners with basic skills in data collection, analysis and reporting.
  • To provide learners with basic knowledge and skills in wildlife utilization and entrepreneurship.
  • To impart knowledge and skills in collection, rescue, handling and management of captive wildlife.
  • To introduce the learners to basic knowledge in management and conservation of aquatic and terrestrial resources.
  • Apply competencies and positive attitudes in the wildlife management and conservation to compete on the job market and sustainably use wildlife.
  • To develop learners integrated entrepreneurship skills in wildlife resource utilization.
  • To develop the learner’s ability to ethically handle wildlife welfare, occupational health and safety


Certificate in Wildlife and Natural Resource Management is for duration of two years (2 years)


A candidate to be admitted for a certificate in Wildlife and Natural Resource Management has to hold an O’level certificate with three passes.


  • The institute has partnerships with Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and enclave communities, Local government and academic institutions that can be used for purpose of learning.
  • The institute is located in Queen Elizabeth National Park which facilitates hands on training.
  • Lake Edward and Lake Katwe (salty lake) provide another important training resource and the good communities for outreach purposes.
  • There are lecture rooms, library, and computer lab with access to internet.
  • There is one double-cabin pickup which acts as a means of transport.