Uganda Wildlife Research & Training Institute

Uganda is a country with exceptional wildlife diversity, encompassing a zone of overlap between the savannahs of East Africa and the West African rain forests. The country’s wide range of ecosystems and habitants support a very high and rich diversity of both animal and plant species. The immense biological diversity is important both nationally and internationally, and offers good opportunities for cost-effective multiple species conservation. To this effect government designated wildlife conservation and other protected areas to protect this endowment and harness environmental and tourism development benefits.

Such country’s endowment demands training of technical work force to ensure management of wildlife populations and conservation areas in accordance with sound conservation principles and standards. Hence this program is intended to provide the human resource that will help Government to manage wildlife for sustainable development.


  • To build technical capacity of middle level managers in wildlife and natural resource management


By the end of the programme, trainees will be able to:

  • Comprehend and relate concepts and principles governing wildlife resource conservation
  • Demonstrate ability to initiate and effectively manage wildlife-based enterprises
  • Demonstrate ability to provide animal welfare  and observe occupational health risks and safety.
  • provide wildlife related advisory services
  • Participate in Implementing policies and other legal frameworks in wildlife and natural resource management.
  • Demonstrate ability to safely handle and use the relevant field tools and equipment for managing wildlife.
  • Apply analytical skills in research, planning and decision making.

Demonstrate ability and confidence to respond to emerging issues in wildlife resource conservation

  • Demonstrate ability to communicate and advocate for wildlife resource conservation.
  • Explain basic principles in environmental and social impact assessment
  • Demonstrate appropriate leadership skills


  • To equip learners with knowledge on concepts and principles governing wildlife resource conservation
  • To impart learners with knowledge and skills to effectively manage wildlife-based enterprises
  • To instill learners with knowledge and skills to provide animal welfare and observe occupational health risks and safety.
  • To provide learners with knowledge and skills in planning, delivery and monitoring of wildlife and related advisory services.
  • To empower learners with knowledge and skills to implement policies and other legal frameworks in wildlife and natural resource management.
  • To equip learners with skills to handle ballistics and use of other relevant field tools and equipment for managing wildlife.
  • To instill analytical and reporting skills in research, planning and decision making.
  • To equip learners with knowledge and abilities to respond to  emerging  issues in wildlife resource conservation
  • To equip learners with communication and advocacy skills for wildlife resource conservation.
  • To equip learners with basic principles in environmental and social impact assessment
  • To equip learners with appropriate managerial skills in wildlife resource conservation


Diploma in Wildlife and Natural Resource Management is for duration of two years (2 years)


A candidate to be admitted for a diploma in Wildlife and Natural Resource Management has to fulfill one of the following:

  1. Holds at least one principal pass and two subsidiary passes obtained at the same sitting at A ‘level in science subjects including Biology.


  • Holds at least a credit certificate in wildlife and natural resource management or the equivalent in relevant field from a recognized institution.


  • Diploma in Wildlife and Natural Resource Management is two years (2 years)


  • The institute has partnerships with Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and enclave communities, Local government and academic institutions that can be used for purpose of learning.
  • The institute is located in Queen Elizabeth National Park which facilitates hands on training.
  • Lake Edward and Lake Katwe (salty lake) provide another important training resource and the good communities for outreach purposes.
  • There are lecture rooms, library, and computer lab with access to internet.
