Dr. Margret Draciru welcomed participants to the workshop on behalf of UWA ED.
The chairman (Dr. Arthur Mugisha) asked participants to actively participate in the workshop discussions in order to collect views of all stakeholders invited. He also informed participants that the major objective of the workshop is to develop a research agenda for UWRTI as a way of addressing wildlife conservation challenges which have gone on for long
Dr. Margret Draciru welcomed participants to the workshop on behalf of UWA ED.
The chairman (Dr. Arthur Mugisha) asked participants to actively participate in the workshop discussions in order to collect views of all stakeholders invited. He also informed participants that the major objective of the workshop is to develop a research agenda for UWRTI as a way of addressing wildlife conservation challenges which have gone on for long
Director Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities Mr. Lutalo James representing the Hon. Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities also welcomed participants to the workshop. He also outlined the workshop expectations which include carrying out research that will guide priorities ranging from increasing inflow and stay of tourists in Uganda to other objectives defined in Uganda’s constitution, Vision 2040, Sectoral plans and policies such as Uganda Wildlife policy 2014, UWRTI Act, Tourism master plan, etc
There is limited research on wildlife in Uganda despite the enormous wealth of Biodiversity
Uganda is the leading biodiversity country with rich flora and fauna species. Uganda has 54% of the World’s existing Mountain gorilla population, over 2,000 species of bird species which is about 10% of all bird species worldwide and 50% of birds in Africa, 7.8% of mammal species in the world which translates into 39% of Africa’s mammals, 13% of amphibian species and 14% of reptiles, over 2,000 species of butterflies, about 600 species of fish
There are new discoveries of mammal and bird species in the recent past. This creates opportunities for a lot more undiscovered potential which can only be known through research
Uganda’s tourism is largely based on wildlife conservation as the major attraction. Tourism is the leading foreign exchange earner for Uganda and has been listed in the National Development Plan as one of the priority sectors for national transformation together with sectors such as IT, Agriculture, Energy, etc
The sector contributes about 7.2 trillion shillings annually, about 9% of GDP. It has generated about 8% of all jobs in Uganda. UWA alone employs about 3,000 staff
10% of uganda’s land surface is protected as Wildlife Conservation Areas under various Protected Area categories ranging from National Parks to Wildlife Reserves, Sanctuaries and Community Wildlife Areas
Wildlife and forest conserved land surface make 18% of Uganda’s land surface, which meets target 11 of Global Conservation Targets
Government has established Uganda Wildlife Research and Training Institute by an act of parliament to coordinate and develop research related to wildlife conservation in Uganda
The workshop is a good step towards advancing scientific research and knowledge in wildlife conservation to inform decision making
A number of districts have made resolutions to upgrade some Protected Areas such as Katonga Wildlife Reserve, Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve, Echuya Forest Reserve to National Park status. This is an unprecedented level of support for conservation
Pledged full government support towards conservation research agenda, and declared the workshop officially open
The session chair for the day briefed members on the workshop aim which is to develop a National Research Agenda which will bring together all research players in the country under the coordination of Uganda Wildlife Research and Training Institute
Invited all participants for a group photo at the main entrance of the meeting venue
All participants were asked to make self introduction by mention of their names and the organizations they were representing in the workshop and mention what their expectations are in attending the workshop. The member expectations mentioned include the following;
To develop a research agenda for Uganda
Coordinate institutions to work together for research
Develop a research roadmap
Partner with other agencies for joint research programs
Resurrection of research in Uganda’s protected areas
Learn more about conservation in Uganda
How to integrate ecological concepts in national research agenda
Gain knowledge and skills in research
Create a future for Protected areas by addressing problems they are faced with such as invasives
Start a multi sectoral approach to research
Share experiences with field based players
Understand types of research in place
Identify research gaps in Protected Areas
Address management oriented research gaps through research
Generate adequate data to help in policy formulation
Start result oriented research
Opening up new research opportunities
Undersatnding research operations in Uganda
How media will be involved in research
Know who are the key actors in Uganda’s research program
Gain knowledge in Wildlife based research
Understand how research can be used in Protected Area management
Resurrection and growth of research in Protected Area management
Application of research for effective use
Develop a practical implementable research agenda
Obtain research skills in economic valuation of wildlife resources
Initiate mutual collaboration of students
Ensure training of Ugandan students in Kent State University
Applied research for wildlife conservation
Use of research for socio-economic development of Uganda
Identify funding for research
Identify mutual benefits for Kent State University and UWRTI
Build capacity for wildlife conservation
Raise standards for research and training in the country
Address health issues such as Ebola outbreaks
Protect resources for community, national and international benefits
Improve tourism training using research
Obtain participant feedback on how to develop research agenda
Understand how government can prioritize research through increased funding
Have a functional and sustainable research agenda that informs management of wildlife
Understand a niche and relevance of wildlife conservation research in national transformation
1930s to 1950s:
There were low human populations in the country, high animal populations, aboundant forests, Colonial era, land would be acquired freely with vast unoccupied land anywhere, animals were a threat to humans sometimes creating a need to kill animals as a control measure in order to protect humans, sport hunting was introduced to cater for colonial interests
1960s to 1980s:
Only 3 national parks existed, there was a booming human population, commercial hunting and poaching for ivory, increased Human-Wildlife conflicts, rationalization of Protected Areas, Conservation education started, and civil unrest during the reign of Idi Amin, very mearger funding sources for conservation with one of the park managers awarded for managing Protected area with limited funding sources, increased awareness worldwide leading to Rio convention, Uganda Institute of Ecology (UIE) started by the likes of Dr. Sabiiti, Late Prof. Edroma. Other researchers like Dr. Chris Bakuneeta, Forest parks started, Research stations such as MUBFS, Budongo field station and Mbarara University ITFC came in to fill vacuum for research needs
Some donors such as World Bank and European Union and academic interests in theoretical research topics of the day caused government pulling out of supporting research
1990s to date:
A new wave of changing institutional and legal framework for wildlife conservation and creation of agencies (KWS, UWA, etc), High population growth, mainly composed of young people, High levels of invasiveness by exotic and indigenous species like Dichlostachis, Problem animal control intervention measures such as excavation of trenches, pepper spray, increased use of technology, new disease outbreaks, emerging issues such as climate change and oil and gas exploration, need to justify importance of conservation to socio-economic livelihoods through revenue sharing, introduced Wildlife Use-Rights, disaggregated research programs (ITFC, MUBFS, Budongo Field Station, Banded Mangoose Research Project), limited funding for research, New law passed by parliament (UWRTI) to coordinate conservation research
UWA strategic plan (2014-2019) has 2 strategic area programs for promoting scientific research for informed decision making in conservation
Identified the need for management oriented research to enable sustainable management and address conservation challanges
Institute originally created to carry out research to inform problem animal culling, later renamed Uganda Institute of Ecology
1980s and 1990s:
Started research projects in various parks, mainly focusing on academic research
Some long term research projects which led to new tourism products such as Gorilla tourism
Monitoring and Research policy and Monitoring and research plan in place to govern the research program under various themes such as Ecology, Socio-economics, Management research and Development activities
Research information has been used in wildlife translocation and re-introduction activities, General Management Plan preparation, Negotiating Collaborative agreements with agreements with communities and other forms of partnerships, implementation of Wildlife Use Rights programs like sport hunting, Resource mobilization and use of technology in data collection
UWA monitoring and research priority topics such as oil and gas exploration, climate change studies, invasive species management, etc.
Research is very key in informing planning and decision making, monitoring and detecting environmental changes
Wildlife and human interactions is part of traditional history of Ugandans over the years and had mechanisms for sustainable utilization
Gaps in social science research and application in academic programs
Most of the research in the past was academic and was not addressing management needs
There was limited interaction between the park managers and researchers in the past especially in deciding research priorities
Need to revive Wildlife Clubs of Uganda for conservation education and dissemination of research information to the general public
Need to define historical research needs, stereotypes that affect wildlife conservation in Uganda
UWRTI should be supported to become a centre of excellence nationally and regionally
Reduced wildlife populations coupled with increasing colonization of ecosystems with invasive species
Need for a wildlife research symposium
Need for interdisciplinary research and academic programs. Wildlife training should go beyond ecological aspects to include sociological and technological aspects and find how they can be applied in wildlife conservation
Need to fully exploit positive aspects of globalization
Research gaps in human population growth impacts on conservation
Need for value addition in wildlife resources
The concept of national park management was foreign and was adopted in Uganda leading to exclusion of local communities in management
Target human behavior in ensuring sustainable use such as control of invasive species
Need for research programs to guide policy decisions and planning for park management
Understanding relevance/ objectives of Protected Areas and Protected Area sizes and their effectiveness through research
Need to understand the application of research in wildlife management including funding sources
We should carry out more socio-economic research on traditional aspects of conservation and use them to promote conservation
Need to integrate research in wildlife conservation
Creation of research data bank from research findings carried out in Protected Areas
Increased access to research information in decision making by park officials
Multi sectoral approach in responding to research findings and making management interventions
Limited research on flora with a bias towards fauna studies in Protected Areas. This affects habitat management decisions such as control of invasive species
Target to increase Protected Area size to 17% by 2020. This can be achieved by working with communities to protect genetic resources on private land
Research findings from research programs carried out in Protected Areas since 1996 are shared with UWA. This has been made possible by making a condition to pay money which is refunded after sharing of research reports and research findings with UWA. However, in organizing research symposia, there are challenges of facilitating foreign based researchers to attend and share their research findings
Need for continuous research to understand animal adaptation and ecological changes in the habitat
Need research programs to build capacity and train young professionals who will take over from the historical
Wildlife expertise is needed in court prosecution of poachers. Experts should be developed for various taxa
Need to increase information access and sharing of research findings between UWA and other stakeholders
Increase participation of youths and students in wildlife conservation through Wildlife Clubs of Uganda
Need to research more on tourism aspects of conservation as one of the research priorities
Empower communities with wildlife resources to benefit from wildlife utilization based on research
Make use of baseline information in guiding decision making
Need to have a budget line for summarizing research reports in sharable formats
ITFC started in 1991. Based in Albertine Rift, focused on forest ecology
Undertake research and monitoring, support park management and contribute to capacity building
The institute has a number of researchers and students. It has research facilities such as herbarium, library, etc
Institute has generated research questions in collaboration with BMCA
Has contributed to Protected Area planning process by identifying key research needs for BMCA
Some of the projects undertaken include; monitoring impacts of human use of forest resources on sustainable management of the park, monitoring water quality, integrating Batwa cultural values into conservation and tourism, gender mainstreaming through research by increasing womens’ participation in conservation, carry out status of key animal species such as gorilla census carried out every 5 years, wildlife monitoring using cameras, biodiversity assessment in Forest Reserves, monitoring of flora and climate monitoring
Increasing amounts of funds available to local communities through revenue sharing and other conservation programs that target improving peoples livelihoods are not causing the intended reduction in Human-Wildlife conflicts
Need to carry out collective planning to avoid overlaps, need to increase synergies through sectoral working groups
Need to increase collaboration between research institutions and civil society instead of treating each other as competitors
Build capacity for local researchers to publish their research findings through collaborating with western universities and researchers
Implement new revenue sharing guidelines that increase benefit of local communities from conservation as opposed to old system of giving the money to the districts where it could not reach grass root communities
Makerere University Biological Field Station established in 1970, originally as Kibale Forest Project. Handed over to Makerere University in 1987 to ensure sustainability
Hosts local and international researchers and students. Over 300 research papers published
Based on Kibaale National Park, with studies on habitat changes (logging) and primate behavoiur. Limnology studies in fisheries resources. Other studies include studies on zoonotic disease transmission aspects and on a number of taxa including butterflies, giant pangolin, etc
Research done at the centre has led to new tourism products at Kanyanchu Tourism Centre
Research based planning to support community conservation initiatives such as KAFRED and conservation education programs in schools
Chimpanzee genetic census was undertaken in Kibale National Park using camera trapping. Information generated can be applied by UWA in management and policy decision making such as on designing habituation programs
Preliminary chimpanzee population size monitoring estimates put population at 1500, highly varying from 800 estimated from nest counts
Research program makes interventions in anti poaching patrols and rescue of chimpanzees from snares. This has led to reduced poaching incidences in the patrolled areas
Need to compare research data with UWA patrol data collected for comparison
There is need to communicate research findings to political leadership and wider public outside conservationists
Need to carry out more research on chimpanzee populations outside Protected Areas
Need for research undertaken at Kibale to be replicated in other areas where conflicts are very high
More understanding needed on ecological effects of habituation processes on chimpanzees
More understanding needed on use of masks on primate tourism and how practical it is to make it replicable in other areas
Capacity building required to train new managers on research
To promote in country lab analysis instead of carrying most of the samples abroad
Need to carry out more studies on poaching dynamics and other research outputs to guide decision making
Has 7 National research institutions and 9 Zonal research institutions
Invasive Alien Species unit working under different sectors and sectoral regulations
Current project ongoing on control of invasive species in Queen Elizabeth and Lake Mburo National Parks
Invasiness by Acacia hockii impacts on conservation leading to habitat loss and increased Human-Wildlife conflicts and reduced tourist satisfaction
Mechanical extraction of plants is being undertaken in Queen Elizabeth National Park. About 300 Hectares has been cleared
Other species include Perthenium hysterophus. Biological control of 2 species of beetles from South Africa is being experimented. There are plans to assess economic impacts the beetles will have on other biological resources after clearing the weed
Salvinia molesta (Kariba weed) has social and economic impacts on fishing communities. Mechanical control methods are being used. Salvinia weevil (Cyrtobagous salviniae) experimentation is being used under controlled conditions. Impacts on economic
Working in Uganda since 1957. Undertaken anumber of wildlife surveys and other research projects, landscape studies and impacts of oil and gas mining on biodiversity
Research on emerging isuues such as Climate Change and disease transmission to great apes
Species specific surveys undertaken on a number of taxa ranging from mammals, birds to reptiles, etc
Research on key biodiversity areas has been used in identifying Important Bird Areas, National Red Listing, Experimental Ecosystem Accounting for Uganda and Developing a Great Virunga Landscape Species Database
Other projects undertaken with UWA include improvement of intelligence and law enforcement, establishment of canine unit, use of SMART (a spatial analysis tool) and engaging Chinese government to address illegal activities in Uganda
Wildlife radio telemetry on lion distribution in Murchison Falls National Park and Elephant ranging patterns in Kidepo landscape
Supporting Community Conservation programs such as Scouts programs, Trench excavation and Monitoring livestock loss. Land cover mapping and Conservation planning have been undertaken
The organization also supports conservation financing programs such as Uganda Biodiversity Fund, Carbon Financing like REDD+
There is requirement for genetic modification of biological agents used in invasive animal control that can be made in a such a way that it can die immediately after accomplishing its intended use
Need for literature on indigenous invasive species since most studies by NARO are targeting exotic invasive species
Need to understand the steps which can be put in place to manage oil and gas extraction in a sustainable manner along biodiversity conservation
Conservation organizations should consider engaging local people in data collection in order to increase local community participation in conservation
Need for rationalization of research funding on non priority areas such as research topics already done elsewhere
Plans required for restoration of degraded habitats
KSU staff previously participated in voluntary activities in wildlife conservation in Uganda from 1996 to 1998. Other student visits were held in the past
Need to increase student exchanges and experience sharing between USA universities and Uganda
Design practical field based studies to guide conservation decision making. This involves hands on training on data collection, analysis and presentation
Use of serial photographs over time to monitor habitat changes. Historical data can provide evidence on when environmental changes began to occur which can determine whether certain management practice applied on a habitat such as burning practice is responsible for the current changes or not
Long term climate change studies using historical data
Limited funding for research
Lack of researched data leading to failure to understand concepts and subsequently making a wrong decision
I’m Otim Ambrose
I have a question can I also allowed to apply for this program?
I have a certificate of advance in and DIT LEVEL TWO IN technical education.
Thank for your program