Currently, there is lack of high quality research to better inform wildlife conservation, policy formulation and developments in the tourism sector. For instance, there are limited studies on declining wildlife stock and impacts of climate change in key national parks; there is limited tourism carrying capacity study in national parks and other protected areas; the economic and ecological impacts of gas and oil exploration; human wildlife conflicts; poaching, illegal wildlife trade and trafficking of wildlife and wildlife products.
The institute has no laboratory and operates on poorly equipped lecture rooms which lack modern teaching and learning materials, libraries or access to textbooks, computer facilities and training software. This has detrimental effect on the practical element of training. The existing field equipment is very few and obsolete.
Your support will equip the institute with modern research and training infrastructure to facilitate better training, data generation, analysis and reporting on topical conservation issues in Uganda. We need support to upgrade, equip and strengthen Uganda Wildlife Research and Training Institute to undertake wildlife research needed to inform conservation planning, management and tourism development and to equip graduates with the skills needed to manage wildlife resources.