Uganda Wildlife Research & Training Institute

Our Mission

Our Vision

A sustainable wildlife industry, based on professional management, informed by research and training to address the ever-evolving challenges

Our Mission

To coordinate, promote and undertake wildlife management oriented research that feeds into wildlife management; and spearhead training of professionals and practitioners in Uganda’s wildlife-based industry

Our Legal Mandate

Objective XIII of the Uganda Constitution 1995 provides for the protection of important natural resources, including; land, water, wetlands, mineral, fauna and flora on behalf of the people of Uganda.

Core values

a.       Integrity:

Striving to operate to the highest standards of professionalism by delivering quality services efficiently and transparently.

b.      Team work:

Working together as a team to take advantage of the numbers, expertise and knowledge within and among the UWRTI membership.

c.       Collaboration:

Working in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities and its agencies, institutions and individuals to advance UWRTI Mission.

d.      Open-mindedness and effective communication

e.       Transparency and accountability – accountability to our constituencies at all levels

f.        Innovation:

Striving to employ creative and innovative approaches towards achieving the UWRTI Mission, overcoming challenges and finding ways to improve.

g.      Commitment:

Committing to wildlife and biodiversity conservation and sustainable wildlife tourism principles through conducting research.
